Nankai Conference, 2008
The Founding Meeting
In this founding meeting of the Asian Association of World Historians, historians from Asia-Pacific regions discussed the aim and mission of AAWH and the practice and future of global/World History.
Meeting Schedule
4 May 2008
Joint book review session:
Patrick Manning(ed),
Global Practice in World History: Advances Worldwide
(Markus Wiener Publishers: Princeton, 2008).
5 May 2008
Patrick Manning The Alliances of World Historians
Bin Yang Chinese Frontier History as World History
Ji-Hyung Cho The Future of Global/World History in Korea
Ahmed Ibrahim
Abushouk World History from an Islamic Perspective: The Experience of IIUM
Shingo Minamizuka Teaching World History in the Meiji Era in Japan
Shigeru Akita International Order of Asia in the 1950s and the Colombo Plan
Adapa Satyanarayana India in the World Economy: As Overview (PPP also available)