AAWH Statues
Adopted on 4 May 2008 and ratified on 29 May 2009
Paragraph 1. Name and Mission of the Association
1.1 Name.
The English name of this organization is the Asian Association of World Historians, known below as 'the association'.
The association is to advance research, teaching, and public discussion on world historical studies in or for the Asian region.
The association seeks participation of those identifying themselves as 'global', 'world', 'transregional', 'comparative', 'international', and 'big' historians, and all others with interest in 'connected' study of the past.
The association seeks collaboration of historians with scholars in adjoining disciplines and with global historical scholars in all parts of the world.
Paragraph 2. Members
The association is open to all individuals and institutions working or interested in the academic field of world history, upon application and payment of relevant dues.
2.2.Individual members.
Individuals will be recognized as members upon application to the association.
2.3.Institutional members.
Institutions and groups of scholars are encouraged to apply for institutional membership—these may include school or university departments, research institutes, and educational or research organizations defined by discipline, by historical approach, or by national or regional focus.
Paragraph 3. Governance
3.1.General Assembly.
The General Assembly is the governing authority in the association. It consists of all individual members and all institutional members. In decisions by the General Assembly, each individual and institutional member will have one vote. Each institutional member will be represented at the General Assembly by its director or the director's designate. A quorum of the General Assembly consists of 50% of the Board of Directors and 10% of members in good standing. Decisions are by majority vote.
3.2.Elected Officers.
Elected officers of the association are the President and six Directors. Candidates for these offices may include all individual members of the association. Officers are elected by the General Assembly for terms of three years.
3.3.Board of Directors.
The seven elected officers will constitute the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will make all major policy decisions of the association, subject to review by the General Assembly. In the case of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the Board shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.
Paragraph 4. Appeals for membership
4.1.Appeal for Membership.
Any individuals or institutions who, after applying, have not been accepted for membership in the association have a right of appeal to the Board of Directors and to the General Assembly to gain recognition of their membership.
4.2.Resolution of Appeal.
A majority of the vote by either the Board of Directors or the General Assembly will be sufficient to grant membership to the appellant.
Paragraph 5. Administration and Secretariat
5.1.Institutional Home and Executive Secretary.
The directors will select an institutional home and an Executive Secretary for a three-year term, renewable.
The Executive Secretary will meet act under the direction of the Board of Directors.
The Executive Secretary and the secretariat will conduct the association's affairs, including administration, correspondence, finance, affiliations, archives, conferences, and communications.
Paragraph 6. Finances
6.1.Membership dues.
The association, by action of its Board of Directors and ratification by the General Assembly, may set membership dues to be paid by individual and institutional members.
The association may seek funding through grants from governmental, non-governmental, and private sources.
6.3.Financial Records and Reporting.
The association's finances are to be maintained in an orderly fashion, with regular reports to officers and membership.
Paragraph 7. Conferences and Communication
7.1.Triennial Conference.
The association will hold a conference every three years.
The association will support a network of communication among its members, in various media. These may include a web site, an electronic discussion list, a newsletter, and a journal.
Paragraph 8. Adoption and Revision of the Statues of the Association
These statutes were adopted by those participating in the association's founding meeting in Tianjin, 4 May 2008 and ratified by the funding General Assembly in Osaka, 29 May 2009.
Statutes may be revised by majority vote of the Board of Directors, ratified by the General Assembly.