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The Third Congress in Singapore, 2015

Migration in Global History: Peoples, Plants, Plagues, and Ports

Organisers: The History Programme, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
                    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

                    The Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH)


Dates:          29 - 31 May 2015

Venue:         HSS Auditorium and HSS Seminar Rooms, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


General Assembly

Nanyang Technological University


Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a research-intensive university with globally acknowledged strengths in science and engineering. Founded in 1955, NTU has four colleges with 12 schools and four autonomous entities. NTU provides a high-quality global education to more than 33,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

NTU History Programme


The History programme at NTU is unique in two interconnected teaching and research areas. First, the programme is purposefully situated around the research and teaching of modern and contemporary Asian history in the global context. The second is in the area of interdisciplinary history. Faculty members teach and conduct cutting-edge research on issues located at the interfaces between history and other disciplines such as science, technology, medicine, business, and environmental studies.







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